Seller / website Owner: Clanto Services s.r.l.s

Registered office: Via delle Ginestre 16, Melito di Napoli 80017 (NA)

VAT: IT07321581212

Registration in the Register of Companies: 07321581212

Phone number: 0817021313

Fax: 0817021313

Web site:



Court of Jurisdiction: court of Naples

1 Acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale

1.1 The contract stipulated between the Seller and the customer shall be concluded with the acceptance, even only partial, of the order by the Seller. This is considered tacit acceptance. By placing an order in the manner provided, the customer declares to have taken vision of all the indications to he supplied during the purchase procedure and accept the general conditions and payment transcribed below.

1.2 The Customer or consumer, once the online purchase procedure, will print or save an electronic copy but keep these conditions general sale, subject to the provisions of the articles. 3 and 4 of the Dlgs 185/1999 on distance sales.

1.3 Is excluded any right of Customer to damages or compensation, and any contract or tort liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or things, provokes to you from the lacked acceptance, also partial, of an order.

2 how to purchase

2.1 The Customer may only purchase products in the electronic catalog of the Seller at the time of placing the order and viewable online at the address of the Web Site.

2.2 correct receipt of order is confirmed by the Seller through an answer via e-mail, sent to the email address provided by the Customer. This confirmation message will contain Date and Time of execution order and a 'Order Number', to be used in any further communication with the staff of the Seller. The message will include all data entered by the Customer who undertakes to verify the correctness and to communicate eventual corrections timely, second the modalities described in this document.

2.3 In the event of non-acceptance of the order, the staff of the Seller guarantees timely communication to the Customer.

3 Prices

All the prices shown to the end user on the Web Site are inclusive of VAT (22%). The prices of the products may vary without prior notice.

4 Images

The image accompanying the descriptive card of a product are for illustrative purposes only to allow the best perception of the various colors. The images of the advertised products may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics but to differ for color, dimensions, products present accessories in figure.

5 Mode of payment

5.1 Credit Card

In the cases of purchase of goods with mode of payment Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, and American Express, atm-enabled Master, upon the conclusion of the online transaction, the reference bank will authorize only the amount of the purchase price. The amount relating to the delivered goods, even partially, will actually be charged on the credit card of the Customer only at the time of delivery of the goods from our warehouse. In case of cancellation of order either by the Customer or in case of non-acceptance of the same by the Seller, will be required at the same time from our staff the cancellation of the transaction and release the amount involved. The timing of release depends exclusively on the banking system and can arrive until their natural expiration (24 days from the date of authorization). Once carried out the cancellation of the transaction, in no event shall Seller be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by delay in the failure to release the amount committed by the banking system. In the event that the Customer's order be processed after the 23rd day from the date of submission, the Vendor will still charge the credit card of the Customer of the amount attributable to his own, even if in advance of the delivery of the goods, in order to avoid the expiration of the authorization of the transaction (24 days). The Seller reserves the right to request additional information from the Customer (e.g. fixed telephone number) or sending copies of documents proving the ownership of the Paper used. In the absence of the required documentation, our staff reserves the right not to accept the order. At no time during the purchase process the Seller is able to know information about the buyer's credit card, transmitted through secure connection directly to the website of the bank that handles the transaction. No archive of the Seller retain such information. In any case, the Seller can be held liable for eventual fraudulent and undue use of credit cards by third parties upon payment of products purchased on the Website.

5.2 Mark

The payment of the end Customer is executed with money in cash to the courier who will deliver the goods. The service is active only on certain modes of transport.

5.3 PayPal

In the cases of purchase of goods with payment through PayPal, upon conclusion of the online transaction, PayPal will immediately charge the amount of the purchase price.

6 transport Mode, delivery charges and complaints Customer Service

6.1 The Seller can accept orders in the ordinary manner only with delivery in Italian territory and in the countries of the European Union. Is excluded for delivery in the resort of Livigno and Campione d'italia. For all Countries outside the European Union will be requested to provide specific documents for each Country and will be provided with delivery costs and custom.

6.2 Each order shipped is accompanied by a detailed Transport Document as required by the D. P. R. 21 December 1996, n. 696. The invoice is issued, only if requested at the time of ordering by indicating the number of their vat number in the appropriate field. The document can be downloaded from the specific section inside of your account on the Web Site

NB: it is Not possible to require the billing of an order previously processed.

6.3 The costs of delivery are borne by the Customer and are clearly indicated in the ordering. The payment of the goods by the Customer will be using the mode chosen when ordering. Nothing is more due by the Customer with respect to the order total shown at the end of the purchase procedure.

6.4 No liability can be imputed to the Seller srl in case of delay in execution of the order or delivery of the order.

6.5 At the time of delivery of the goods by the courier, the Customer is required to check: that the packaging is intact, not damaged, neither wet or however altered, also in closing materials (adhesive tape or strapping band). Any damage must be immediately contested to the courier that performs the delivery. Once signed the courier document, the Customer cannot oppose any dispute about the external characteristics of delivered goods.

Any problems concerning the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of products received must absolutely be reported to Customer Service within and NO later than 15 days from the delivery date.

6.6 In the event of lacked withdrawal within 5 work days you the present material in lying near the warehouses of the courier because of repeated inability to delivery delivery indicated by the Customer at the time of the order, the order will be automatically cancelled.

7 product Availability

On the Website it is possible to order only the products physically available in stock. The integrated functionality of the availability of items in the warehouse is accurate, however you may encounter small delays in the communication between the actual stock in the warehouse and the situation was reported on the website. Accordingly, the availability of the item in some rare cases, it may not be guaranteed with certainty. If one or more items ordered are not immediately available for shipment, it will be the care of our staff, in function of the consistency of the order and of the time horizon for the replenishment, choose to proceed with one of the following solutions:

- the escape of the material immediately available and send the missing products as soon as again available at no charge for the additional shipping costs;

- contact the customer who will choose whether to receive the material in a single solution, delaying the execution of the order, or cancel the order products not available in the immediate future.

8 Right of withdrawal

8.1 If the customer is a consumer (ie a person who buys goods for purposes not related to his professional activity, or does the purchase by indicating in the order form to the Seller a reference to VAT) has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract for any reason, without explanation and without penalty, except as indicated in paragraph 8.3.

8.2 To exercise this right, the Customer must send the Seller a notice to that effect within 14 working days from the date of receipt of the goods.

Such notice shall be sent via one of the following means:

Registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt addressed to the registered Office of the Seller.

Fax sent within the aforementioned term of 14 days and followed by a confirmation by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, sent absolutely within the following 48 hours.


8.3. The right of withdrawal is however subject to the following conditions:

- The law applies to product purchased in its entirety;

- It is not possible to exercise withdrawal only on part of the purchased product;

- The purchased goods must be intact and returned in original packaging, complete in all its parts;

- Pursuant to law, the shipping costs for returning the goods are borne by the customer;

- The shipment, until receipt in our warehouse is under the full responsibility of the customer;

- In case of damage of the goods during the transport, the Seller will notify the customer (within the 5th day from the receipt of goods in their stores), to enable a timely complaint against the courier chosen by him and obtain reimbursement of the value of the asset (if insured); in this case, the product will be made available to the customer for its return, simultaneously canceling the request for withdrawal;

- The Seller is not liable in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned by uninsured shipments; on his arrival at the warehouse, the product will be examined to assess any damages or tampering not caused by transport. If the returned product is damaged, the Seller will withhold from the due refund a percentage, as a contribution to the costs of restoration.

8.4 Without prejudice to any repair costs for damages assessed to the original packaging, the Seller will refund the customer the full amount of the goods already paid (shipping costs excluded), by Bank Transfer or Paypal, within 14 days from the return of the goods. It is the responsibility of the customer to timely supply the banking coordinates on which to obtain reimbursement (name and surname of the account holder of account, IBAN code).

8.5 The right of withdrawal lapses totally, for lack of the essential integrity of the good (confection and/or its contents), in cases where the Seller establishes:

- The lack of integral elements of the product;

- Damage to the product for causes different from transportation.

In the case of forfeiture of the right of withdrawal, the Seller will return to the sender the acquired good, debiting to same expenses of shipment.

9 Warranties

The products purchased on the Web Site are subject to discipline, as applicable, referred to in D. lgs 2.2.2002 n. 24 (G. U. n. 57, 8.3.2002) on sales contracts and guarantees concerning consumer goods and, for matters not contemplated therein, the specific provisions in the Civil Code.

This guarantee will apply to products that present defects of conformity and/or malfunctions not checkable at the time of purchase, provided the product is used correctly and with due diligence in respect of its destination and as provided in any technical documentation, compliance with the various rules of operation therein.

The above-mentioned warranty will not be applicable in case of negligence, carelessness in the use and maintenance of the product, improper use. The warranty is personal and will apply only to the original purchaser, being reserved to direct customers and not to dealers, retailers, etc ..

Any anomalies in the packaging of the products must be reported within 15 days from the receipt of the goods. The written report must be attached by the customer at the time of the return of the defective product.

The product even if defective, to be the subject of a replacement the purchaser must, at the time of the return to the Seller, be complete of original packaging and all the accessories and documentation received by the customer at the time of purchase. The return shipment of the product without the original packaging, accessories, and documentation of the above prevents the Seller of the replacement product from the manufacturer and makes it impossible to replace.

The Seller reserves the right to verify the actual defects enunciated by the customer and make the replacement only after that control. The request will be processed only if the parcel will be returned the following documents: copy of the purchase invoice or receipt of payment on delivery, order number and date, brief description of the defect. The costs of returning goods to the sender instead are borne by the Customer.

10 Privacy

For all of the information about privacy and cookies please refer to the appropriate sections of the web site.

11 Copyright

All the content on the Website, including the texts, documents, trademarks, logos, images, graphics, their arrangement and their adaptations are protected by copyright law and by legislation to the protection of Trademarks (Law 22 April 1941 no.633 and subsequent amendments, Royal Decree no.929 of 21 June 1942 and subsequent amendments) and are covered by copyright. The Web Site may also contain images, documents, logos and brands of third parties that have expressly authorised the Seller to the publication. The reproduction, even partial of the contents, texts, documents, trademarks, logos, images, graphics, is prohibited. Every abuse will be prosecuted in accordance with law.

12.1 Any complaints should be directed to the Seller by mail is recommended, or PEC.

Are not accepted and considered valid complaints made through e-mail or contact form of the site.

12.2 For any kind of problem or abnormality, before embarking on the road of the complaint, the Customer is encouraged to make contact with the staff of the Seller through the appropriate section on the website. In almost all cases, any problem or misunderstanding is resolved in a few hours.

13 applicable Law

The contract of sale between the Customer and the Seller is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian Law. For the solution of civil and penal controversies deriving from the conclusion of this distance sale contract, the territorial competence is exclusively that of the court of competence at the end of document.

14 for More insights

The Seller believes in the quality of its products and seeks to provide the best quality ingredients on the market. Having said that, take note of the following:

- Make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or materials of the products before application;

- The Seller shall not be held responsible for any reactions to the ingredients or materials of the products sold;

- None of our products should be used in place of medical care or clinical treatment;

- The information published on the Web Site are not intended as cures or treatments for skin problems and in no way should be considered as such;

- The recommendations on the Website or provided by the Service Customer are for informational purposes and will not in any way replace the advice of a physician;

- Please consult your doctor for any doubt.

Buy on the Website implies the acceptance of all the terms and conditions listed.

Product added to compare.